
Promote the use of Hot-Mix Asphalt construction through education, engineering, and research.

We pledge to make quality of construction our foremost endeavor and the chief interest of our Association. DAPA's programs and activities will:

  • Maintain a quality image of HMA.
  • Encourage standardization through the Quality Control/Quality Assurance specifications.
  • Represent the industry‘s view point and concerns to various public agencies on environmental, engineering, and legislative issues.
  • Represent industry interests to owners/customers.
  • Provide information on issues to our membership through newsletters, alerts, meetings, training programs, and social media.
  • Provide technical support to members.
  • Work with others to ensure a stable, long term source of funding to maintain an adequate transportation system in the states of North Dakota and South Dakota.
  • Develop guidelines and encourage ethical and environmental sensitive behavior by members.
  • Create an atmosphere where all associations within the Highway Construction Industry can work together on items of mutual interests.


  1. Produce Quality Product through Engineering, Research, and Education
  2. Support Industry-wide Effort for Transportation Funding
  3. Provide Technical Assistance to the Industry including the User Agencies