Promote the use of Hot-Mix Asphalt Construction through education, engineering, and research. We pledge to make quality of construction our foremost endeavor and the chief interest of our Association.
Who We Are
Building a Stronger Future with Asphalt
Dakota Asphalt Pavement Association (DAPA) is a leading organization dedicated to promoting the highest standards of quality and excellence in the asphalt pavement industry across North Dakota and South Dakota. We represent a diverse membership that includes contractors, suppliers, engineers, and professionals committed to advancing the asphalt pavement industry.

Established in 1962
DAPA has been at the forefront of the asphalt industry for decades. Our association was founded by a group of forward-thinking industry professionals who recognized the need to a unified voice to address the challenges and opportunities within the asphalt pavement industry. We aim to continuously adapt to the changing landscape of the industry while maintaining our commitment to quality and excellence.
Goals and Objectives

Enhance Industry Standards
Produce Quality Product through Engineering, Research, and Education. We strive to continuously improve the standards and quality of the asphalt industry.

Advocate for the Industry
Support Industry-wide Effort for Transportation Funding. We will represent and advocate for the interests of the asphalt pavement industry at all levels by engaging with policymakers.

Increase Public Awareness
Provide Technical Assistance to the Industry including the User Agencies. We will provide resources that educate the public about the benefits and importance of quality asphalt.

DAPA Programs and Committees
We are dedicated to making asphalt paving quality our top priority and the central focus of our Association. Our programs and activities are designed to uphold this commitment in several key ways.

We aim to maintain a high-quality image of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) and promote standardization through quality control / quality assurance specifications. We actively represent the industry's viewpoints and concerns on environmental, engineering, and legislative issues to public agencies, ensuring our voice is heard and our interests are protected.
We represent industry interest to owners and customers, providing them with reliable information and support. We keep our members informed on relevant issues through newsletters, alerts, meetings, training programs, and social media.
We work collaboratively with others to secure long-term funding for maintaining a robust transportation system in North Dakota and South Dakota. Our commitment extends to developing guidelines that promote ethical and environmentally responsible behavior among our members.
We strive to create an atmosphere where all associations within the Asphalt Industry can work together on matters of mutual interest, enhancing cooperation and advancing our collective goals.